Some News and Site Updates

A strange purple flower at the Botanical Gardens in Montreal
Image by Zena V.

If you’re a returning reader, welcome. I hope you’ve been enjoying your experience on my website. If you’re new to the site I hope you’ll have a look around and bookmark for the future. I do add my entries to the blog slowly and take my time with whether or not I want to write about something specifically here. I also write at Medium and update my reading at Instagram.

I’ve had this blog for six or so months now, with the previous iterations of it being over a year old. The blog itself doesn’t generate any income for me, and I’ve often wondered if that was because it is too general, or if people just aren’t interested in websites like this anymore. Perhaps my writing is too in depth.

Quite like most of you, I often look things up via Google, go to the source of the answers and then never look at those sites again. That’s what is called writing for Google. But those kinds of sites are plastered in flashy and annoying ads, with the writing font and the layout of the site being absolutely atrocious to look at and navigate. I don’t know how they generate any interest at all. Again, it’s not a human centred experience, it’s a search oriented one.

I suppose that’s why I wanted to offer something more human, tailored to my own aesthetic senses, my own writing style, thought process, and my own tastes. That’s what I’ve done up until now and up until now I’ve been conscious to exclude companies (namely Amazon and its subsidiaries) that I don’t believe are good for the writing world, let alone the film and marketing world. This choice hasn’t done much for me, really. It’s simply something I’ve done for myself, and I’m quite happy with the decision.

I was also careful to include my affiliates only in links at the bottom of the blog entries. Today I’ve changed this and have started to add banners across the site, although it will take me a while to get them into the posts I want them in. I’m trying to keep them from overtaking the text, popping up or looking out of place. If they serve to do nothing but sit there I will end up taking them out though.

So this post is really just an update. I’m working on NaNoWriMo this month and am doubtful how much I’ll read or watch to update the site with. We’ll see, because I do have quite a few books I’m in the middle of! On top of this, I do have some plans for a couple other types of blogs, though they may not come until the end of the year or even after.

Additionally, I wanted to draw some attention to my Ko-fi. Here you can offer me a small tip if you like my writing. I have two other services I offer through Ko-fi. One is for a book review and the other is for a proof reader. I’ve mentioned elsewhere on this site that I did my BA in English Lit. I’ve also taken some writing classes and have spent the majority of my life writing. That said, I do not have proof reading experience specifically, but I still believe I can do a good job at it. Hopefully in the near future I’ll return to my Publishing certificate or something similar to it.

That’s all I wanted to say. I hope all of you are having a really wonderful Autumn. I usually spend much more time outside at this time of year, taking photos and wandering through fairs, festivals and forests. It’s been a weird time for me since Covid, but I’m determined to get myself back on track. Have a lovely week!